Those Nasty Rumours!

Heard downwind from the Hunter chattering classes ... a high level defection from the Patinack team? Possibly over disagreement with purchasing decisions and things like areas of responsibility. Not necessarily related, a suggestion one well known yearling buyer has received a substantial 'gift' from a well known breeder, too large to fit in a mailbox? One hears these suggestions all the time! I need a bigger mailbox.

I understand Patinack were guests of Shadai at the Japanese sale. There are some strong, tough bloodlines up there, good to see them get amongst it. Talk is that the hitherto impregnable wall around racing ownership in Japan is soon to be breached.

I notice one of the mid-range buyers at the Japanese sale goes under the name "Carrot Club". Mind boggles.


Anonymous said...

Steve I must ask why would one want to receive such gifts a jeopardise his relationship with the mining tycoon??

I hear that as a result a number of horses have been transferred to other stables.

STEVE BREM said...

You know more than I do.