There But For The Grace Of ....

Did you see the Four Corners programme on the art auction world on ABC TV on Monday night? Heck, for a moment there I thought they were talking about the thoroughbred sales business.


Anonymous said...

I said to my wife:

"every time they say the word art, think the word horse".

STEVE BREM said...

I'm informed that a similar programme focusing on the thoroughbred world is well on its way. Won't be news to many!

Anonymous said...

Let's get real Steve - whether it's paintings or horses, it's called marketing. Every vendor is entitled to make the offering as attractive as possible and also attempt to generate some sales momentum just the same as every buyer is entitled to do his or her extensive due diligence.

The old rules still apply - do your home work, seek professional advice, be disciplined. Those sticking to a plan normally end up with value.

STEVE BREM said...

Marketing?? My question is, if every vendor is "entitled" to make the offering as "attractive" as possible, why do we have ASIC, prospectuses, codes of practice and the like? Their role is protect consumers and someone who buys a horse (a product) is nothing more than a consumer.