One Of These May Be Your Daughter

A reprobate has drawn my attention to a worthy blog in the cybersphere,

No self-respecting man of morals would waste time looking at it, but I only came to that conclusion after viewing it myself. X-rated, I recommend it only for males over 40.

It's very fertile subject matter. I cannot understand why there are not dozens more examples on this blog. It has the potential to be bigger than Facebook.

The blogger, Simon Thompson, is not unknown in this part of the world - I imagine there are lots of irate gals and parents trying to find him.


Anonymous said...

Ms Cumani is rather dashing, I must say!.
You might be onto something with the whole facebook thing.

STEVE BREM said...

Maybe we should call it "Racebook"?

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,

Just wanted to say that the site you inocently brought to our attention is obviously a rather childish and amateur attampt by some small-minded imbecile to drag Simon's name through the mud.

Anyone who knows Simon or has met him would know that this kind of borderline racist and misogynistic nonsense is beneath him.

Simon and those closest to him will have an idea who is responsible and I'm certain that he is informing the Police of that fact right now.

Yours sincerely

N Reid

STEVE BREM said...

Just as well, then, that I brought it to someone's attention. Did seem an incredibly reckless not to mention libellous activity for a high profile industry professional to be involved in. It's been in cyberspace for six months. I wonder what's floating around out there under my name or yours?